Wednesday, June 2, 2021

come live with me angel: venus in cancer 👼

In my last post, I discussed some of the astrological happenings of June. I touched on Mercury Rx in Gemini, Venus in Gemini, Mars in Cancer, and Jupiter in Pisces. Beginning early this week, there will be a bit of change going on in terms of planetary placements. 

From June 2nd until June 27th, Venus will be entering the psychic and empathic sign of Cancer. This will be a more comfortable placement for Venus as it is more of a feeler than a thinker.

Venus also rules women, and Cancer is one of the most feminine signs. Ruled by the moon, Cancer represents the mother, the family dynamic, home life, ancestral roots, and race. When Venus is in Cancer, think of it as a 'Divine Feminine' placement. 

The following day on June 3rd, Jupiter in Pisces will trine Venus in Cancer. This will be a positive transit as not only are these planets very comfortable in their current positions, but they are exalted when reserved. Venus is exalted in Pisces, and Jupiter is exalted in Cancer. Love, beauty, creativity, close bonds, and romantic connection are themes for this transit. If there was a time to be sociable and get dressed up for a celebration, it is now. 

With my natal Mercury in Cancer, Cancer intercepted in my 7th House, and the transiting Venus conjunct my sun and moon, it has me feeling quite loving and artistically influenced. If you have Cancer as your sun, moon, rising, or Venus, you will truly appreciate the very comfortable beauty of this transit.

Venus in Cancer themes:






    💖beautiful homes 

💖peace and quite

💖private romance 

💖safety and security

💖handmade creations


It's the perfect time to start a summer romance. Something fun and playful that also can go the distance, resulting in a long-lasting partnership. Prepare yourself to fall head over heels in love with yourself and all those around you. Pull out the summer linens and open-toe shoes because girls are single and ready to mingle! 

Take some time to invest in yourself - get your nails done, wax your mustache, and put on something that makes you feel like the powerful being that you are. Oh, and don't forget to indulge in your favorite foods and listen to your favorite music! We are committed to our self-care right now, and that includes good eats and easy listening.

 In honor of this big princess energy, I made a short playlist that I feel embodies the romantic and slowed-down essence of the transit. In the honor of the Pisces and Gemini energy present, I am also going to attach a fun upbeat playlist that brings me so much joy. Move your body to awaken your spirit and feel the vibration of the creative energy. It is your time!


Smell ya later 💓

 💓 BY ME 💓 


Tuesday, June 1, 2021

gregarious gemini: a look into gemini szn ♊︎

 We are officially in the throes of Gemini Szn! Happy birthday to all my fellow twins, this is our time! Gemini gets a bad rap for being two-faced when I would like to think of us as multidimensional, energetic, and youthful. We are the messengers of the zodiac, so we love sharing information. Sometimes we tend to have our foot in our mouth and can often flit from one thing to the next.

Always on the search for our other twin, we have the amazing ability to connect with people of all ages, from all walks of life. We know a bit about everything and are blessed with the gift of the gab. Being a social butterfly, you can count on a Gemini when you want to have a good time or someone to talk to about your latest find. In conjunction with all this lively and exciting energy that Gemini szn can bring, we are now entering mercury retrograde......IN GEMINI. 

When this happens, the planet that is "in retrograde" deviates from its usual movement pattern

and appears to be moving backward.

During this time, things can get a little crazy. Mercury is the planet of communication,

and it governs the signs of Gemini and Virgo.

Gemini, in particular, rules communication, words, electronic devices,

automobiles, neighborhoods, and siblings. 

When Mercury is in Rx the following events can occur:

💬 phone calls are dropped

💬 text messages are sent to the wrong person

💬 flights are delayed

💬 people are more accident-prone

💬 arguments over a miscommunication

💬 electronic devices start to act up

When people think of Mercury in retrograde, many tend to get a little frightened.

Although it can be an intense time, retrograde is here to help us understand things differently

or even better in some cases.

Because so many things can go wrong during this period, it is imperative to remember what

we should be doing during retrograde.

Retrogrades often point energy inwards and make things more internal rather than external. Mercury in retrograde wants us to slow down and reflect because

things are not always what they seem.

We should be reframing our usual thinking patterns, reviewing old ideas of perceiving

or understanding, and reflecting on our communication. 

We are being led to visit particular people and situations that were once in our lives.

This feeling is emphasized with Mercury being in the sign of Gemini since it is

one of the most social and

people-oriented astrological signs.

The likelihood that someone from your past will come back or revisit you is highly likely. It could be a friend from elementary school, your old neighbor or

a family member.

You might tap back into old projects with a new perspective on how to approach them.

A blast from the past is the theme for this retrograde.

To add more excitement to this retrograde period,

Venus, the planet of love and beauty, is also in Gemini!

Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion, is in its home in Pisces.

Mars, the planet of action and power, is in the watery and sensitive sign of Cancer. 

With Venus in Gemini, we are given the space to enjoy the fun of variety

and embrace our inner childlike enthusiasm.

This Venus placement enjoys talking about everything under the sun,

playing like no one is looking, and constantly starting something new.

The opportunity to try something new or build a stronger foundation on skills that

you have is now available.

Gemini loves people so talking on the phone for hours and spontaneous reunions

are possible. 

Jupiter has a lot of fun in Pisces bringing luck and expansion to our Piscean qualities of fantasy, creativity, intuition, and areas of devotion. As Jupiter blows things up, be careful when it comes to taking on more than you can handle. Pisces is super psychic and creative, but it is also a sign of self-victimization, escapism, and blurred lines. On the light end, we might watch some great movies, become obsessed with new music, or create some beautiful art. On the darker side, we can be more prone to overdoing it by finding ways to escape.

These can include:

💫 drinking too much alcohol
💫 smoking too much weed
💫 overspending on impulse buys
💫 spending too much time isolated from society
💫 trapping ourselves in a self-contained prison
💫 lack of attention to personal hygiene
💫 becoming victims of our own circumstance

Jupiter in Pisces can make us blind to our boundlessness, so have fun tapping into a bit of fantasy but remember to balance fantasy with reality. 

Jupiter is in Pisces in my third house, which is interesting because that is the house ruled by Gemini. I am a double Gemini, so there is a lot of luck for me right now when it comes to working with technology, discovering new hobbies, reconnecting with old friends, and I might even get a new way of communicating and traveling.  

 Lastly, with Mars in Cancer, we can expect a bit of emotional turmoil. Mars is the planet of action and power. It is its fall in the watery, sensitive, and overprotective sign of Cancer. When a sign is its 'fall' it has a difficult time expressing itself spontaneously. Cancer is sensitive, nurturing, and empathetic. Cancer is ruled by the moon and is prone to mood swings as the moon moves very quickly. They are also known for protecting their hearts and caring for the people they love. As Cancer is the sign of the crab when in her element she provides a safe and secure home. Always dependable and fiercely attached to their fellow crabs. When she is feeling insecure or unsafe she can make herself a weapon, using her shell as armor, perpetually on the defense, always ready for a fight. 

Mars in Cancer brings more intensity to emotional sensitivity and an eagerness to fight. We are more prone to extreme moodiness and mood swings. It is very important to stay on top of your impulses and be more mindful when controlling your anger. This can be a bit of a struggle but with patience, it is possible as Cancer is also extremely calculated. The likelihood of fights or tension with other women is at its peak with this transit. All of this energy is giving us more opportunities to see what is worth the fight.

Mars in Cancer wants us to connect with our roots, and strengthen our connection with our tribe. Get back in touch with those you love, not only family but also friends! Text someone you love, call, and do a wellness check on someone you haven't heard from in a while, maybe do a small dinner party with delicious drinks and rich desserts. We should also be intentionally cleaning up our home as Cancer is the ultimate homebody and wants a home where they feel safe and secure. After spending almost a year and a half inside, we might be inclined to move things around or get rid of all the impulse buys from earlier last year. 

There is so much social and creative energy in the cosmos! We should take advantage of the energy the universe is providing us and make the best of it. The sun is shining, the weather is warm and the possibilities are infinite. Make this summer one to truly remember!


👫Sun in Gemini:

duality, communication,

versatility, creativity, intelligence, friends, community, journaling, phone calls

talking too fast, talking a bit too much, finding your other half,

block parties, childish games, dark comedies, magicians

🙊Mercury Rx in Gemini:

reconnecting with the community, reconnecting with friends,

reflecting on ideas, revisiting projects,

missed messages, slow movement, miscommunication, brain fog, automobile mishaps,

erratic thoughts, spontaneous combustion

💟Venus in Gemini:

new friends, new creative projects,

new toys, impulse spending, long phone calls,

witty texts messages, oddly specific memes, mentally-stimulating conversation,

party-hopping, flea market finds, book store sales 

😈Mars in Cancer:
crying when mad, arguments with women, defending children, cautious and calculated,
finding a new home, reinventing your space, demanding consideration,
slow and steady wins the race, emotionally volatile, mental manipulation,
sticking up for yourself, creation of life,
please respect my privacy at this time, get out of my Caucasian home 

🙏Jupiter in Pisces: heightened intuition, psychic powers,

astral projecting, lucid dreaming, sensory overload,

over stimulation, magic mushrooms, art projects, delusional thoughts,

weekly discover playlist on Spotify, wake & bake, back to back blunts, meditation,

blackout drinking, psychic readings, oracle decks,

tarot cards, blessing from the universe, a lucky Thursday