Tuesday, June 8, 2021

divine timing: solar eclipse in gemini + mars in leo

We are officially in the last few days of Gemini season. In less than two weeks the Sun will transition into the sensitive sign of Cancer. These last few weeks have been jam-packed with tons of mentally stimulating and emotionally charged energy. Some of us might have been left feeling exhausted with all the air and water influence. Right now the moon is in Taurus for a few more hours, giving us a well-needed break to slow down and relax. We all deserve a moment to breathe and do a bit of grounding. Spend some time in nature, unwind with some sensual music, and then have a nice warm shower to wash some of the stress away.    

Later today, the moon will be back Gemini sending shockwaves through our system. This will not be your typical slightly chaotic Gemini moon, it will be a New Moon/ Solar Eclipse. A solar eclipse brings new beginnings, new adventures, and new challenges into our lives. This comes just a few weeks after the lunar eclipse in Sagittarius. The lunar eclipse is known for bringing abrupt and sudden changes into our lives. A lunar eclipse takes something out of our lives and makes space as the following solar eclipse will bring us something new. 

This eclipse season focused on the Gemini-Sagittarius axis. Gemini is all about the logical mind and tangible knowledge while Sagittarius focuses on higher knowledge and moral truths. The Sagittarius eclipse closed the door on outdated beliefs we might have once held as true. With age and lived experience we now know better and continue to move forward in better alignment with our higher self. The Gemini solar eclipse will open the door to new ideas, new people, and new ways of thinking. We will be reworking our personal ethos, discovering new forms of support, and see a redistribution of energy. 

Depending on where Gemini is in your chart, that will determine what part of your life will be affected. Using myself as an example: I am a Gemini sun and moon with both planets in my 7th house. With the 7th house being the house of partnerships, marriage, 1:1 relationships, legal matters, and open enemies I will be experiencing a shift when it comes to my identity and my connection to others. Some of these could include: ❤meeting someone new ❤breakthroughs in relationships & ❤new insights on who I am from the perspective of another. 

As the sun rules the ego, I will also be viewing this solar eclipse from the perspective of Gemini in the 1st house. The 1st house rules your appearance, first impressions, identity, self-awareness, personality, and overall outer expression. With these ideas in mind, I will have new perspectives on ❤who I am ❤my sense of self ❤my appearance  ❤better controlling my life  &  ❤where am I going in my life. 

This new mental clarity will be compounded with Mars entering Leo. Mars has been in Cancer since May 11th and has had some of us feeling like we were underwater. I explained a few weeks ago that Mars does not like being in Cancer as it is sensitive and has a hard time expressing itself in Cancer. This will be a more comfortable placement because Mars functions best in the fire signs -Aries, Leo & Sagittarius.

I have a natal Mars in Leo in the 8th house of transformation, so this would mean I am going to have a very intense Mars return. I can speak for myself when I say we are all in desperate need of some enthusiasm, drama, and ferocity! This will help a lot of us come out of our shells and help us move like we are the main character. Those of us with a natal Mars in Leo move with confidence in our natural abilities and are strong-willed when it comes to our convictions. The Mars transit will give a boost of bravery and passion igniting the fire that the solar eclipse will impose upon us. We will be marching towards dreams and desires in confidence. 

Some themes of Mars in Leo include 🦁 drama  🦁action  🦁passion  🦁children  🦁creation 🦁egocentrism 🦁creative flair 🦁mellow drama & 🦁a fiery temperament. 

As with any placement, these themes could be manifested in both positive and negative ways. On the positive end, we could see an increase in drive and a need for creative expression, taking some of our passion projects to new heights. There is will be a much bigger emphasis on play and letting the inner child take control.  On the negative end, we could become more self-centered and overtly egocentric, becoming fixed on our wants without any regard for others. 

The key is to find balance and stay grounded in all this supercharged energy. We should be mindful of our tendency to overestimate our abilities and over-romanticizing our wants. Mercury is still Rx in Gemini, Venus is in the easily triggered Cancer, Jupiter is feeling euphoric but slightly delusional in Pisces, and now Mars is in the highly confident and bold Leo. We can be convinced of our projections instead of facing reality. 

If there is one this the universe wants from us, it is to get back on our bullshit. We should let our minds and hearts be open to receiving the divine gifts that will soon be bestowed upon us! We have released was no longer working, and worked through accepting our losses. Now it's time to allow beautiful & bountiful blessings to come in. The effects of the eclipse can be felt up to six months after the event, so surrender to the divine and let God do the rest. Be patient with yourself because every seed you planted in the first half of the year will steadily begin to blossom as the year progresses.