Tuesday, October 5, 2021

work hard, play hard: new moon in libra/ full moon in aries

As we all know, we are in the thrusts of Libra season. As it is a retrograde season, I thought I would have a bit of harmless chaotic fun. I went off on Libra men, and how tricky it can be navigating a relationship with not only them but anyone with one or more Libra placements. Since it is the sign that naturally rules 1:1 relationships, I was mainly focused on romantic relationships. This week I decided to focus a bit more on the ME side of the WE. To do so we must discuss the upcoming lunar transits! 

The moon is one of two luminaries, the other being the sun. Luminary literally translates to 'light'. The sun and moon are the most powerful sources of light in our solar system. A luminary brings light to whatever it touches. In the case of the moon, it brings light to what is hidden in the dark. When looking at our charts in tandem with the luminary, we bring illumination to the parts of us that deserve more light. 

On the 6th of October, there will be a new moon in Libra. A new moon represents the start of a new lunar cycle. It symbolizes new beginnings, new projects, new wishes, and fresh energy. To best utilize this energy we reflect on our old goals and set ourselves new ones. To see how this will affect you, look at what house rules Libra at 19 degrees. Also, check to see where your natal Venus is located. As it is the planetary ruler of Libra, the energy will be synergized.  

Towards the end of the month, two days post mercury direct, on the 20th of October, there will be a full moon in Aries. A full moon represents completion, heightened power, and clarity towards the realization of your desires. Celebrate your growth, you've come very far! Just like the new moon, check to see what house rules Aries at 29 degrees to see how this energy will play out. You will also have to see what house is ruled by your natal mars. The warrior planet that rules Aries will clarify the message of the ending lunar cycle. 

As I often do, I will use my own chart to illustrate how this energy manifests into tangible results. In my natal chart, Libra rules my 10th house! As someone with Libra on the 10th house cusp [career, social status, legacy] I am generally well-liked at my jobs, known for my charismatic personality, and usually continue to be friends with one or two coworkers even after I quit. With Libras ruler Venus not only in my 5th house but also ruling my natal Venus in Taurus, my career is meant to be fun, creative, expressive, and inner child related. 

The new moon is illuminating how my love of play, fun, and children is directly related to my career and legacy. Right now, I am enrolled in a pre-nursing program at a local college but I am not convinced nursing will be my actual career. What I am certain of, is my interest in child care, beauty, and living a really good life. 

When it comes to the full moon, Aries rules my 4th house of familial connection & the first five degrees of my 5th house! That makes my 5th house one of the main focal points during this lunar cycle. Although Venus rules the 5th house, it is governed by the sign Leo. The energy of children, play, creativity, and pleasure makes its self known and continues to add emphasis to the vibrations of my 5th house.

In my 8th house, I have my natal mars conjunct my Chiron [Leo & eternal wound] and my natal mercury in Cancer [my mother, familial connection, emotional understanding]. The 8th house is the house of death, transformation, regeneration, growth, and healing. What does this mean for me? It means the full moon will illuminate how much I have grown in regards to nurturing my inner child, developing a healthy relationship with my ego, and the intimate connection I have with my family, the women in particular.

When I look back at myself last year, I see that I have come very far! This time last year, I was dealing with a lot. I had just lost my job due to the pandemic and I was overwhelmed by the possibility of not being able to provide for myself. My overall disposition was one of someone who was very unsure of herself but doing everything she could to overcompensate for it. All the women in my family were  going though a turbulent period both individually and collectively. I did my best to alleviate some of that burden for them, which only added more stress to an already stressful time in my own life.

I am a proud warrior for my family. I love them passionately and I fight for them proudly. Last year I was primarily focused on taking care of them, doing my best to take charge and lead with love. As time continues I am more confident and self-assured when it comes to taking control of my own life. My self-confidence and self-love have grown leaps and bounds. The baby girl is slowly becoming a powerful woman.👩 

My growth process has been a windy road filled with hard lefts and even harder truths. I still learning how to prioritize my self-care with balancing my desire to care for those I love. My love for my family has occasionally run me straight into the ground, leaving me to feel emotionally overwhelmed and spiritually drained. I am working on developing clear boundaries so I don't burn out like that again.  

I urge you all to follow the energy of the moon. Go with the flow to see where its power takes you. You might just connect the dots that bring you closer to your destiny. 

                                                    💙💘💗TTYL 💚💓💟