Tuesday, October 5, 2021

work hard, play hard: new moon in libra/ full moon in aries

As we all know, we are in the thrusts of Libra season. As it is a retrograde season, I thought I would have a bit of harmless chaotic fun. I went off on Libra men, and how tricky it can be navigating a relationship with not only them but anyone with one or more Libra placements. Since it is the sign that naturally rules 1:1 relationships, I was mainly focused on romantic relationships. This week I decided to focus a bit more on the ME side of the WE. To do so we must discuss the upcoming lunar transits! 

The moon is one of two luminaries, the other being the sun. Luminary literally translates to 'light'. The sun and moon are the most powerful sources of light in our solar system. A luminary brings light to whatever it touches. In the case of the moon, it brings light to what is hidden in the dark. When looking at our charts in tandem with the luminary, we bring illumination to the parts of us that deserve more light. 

On the 6th of October, there will be a new moon in Libra. A new moon represents the start of a new lunar cycle. It symbolizes new beginnings, new projects, new wishes, and fresh energy. To best utilize this energy we reflect on our old goals and set ourselves new ones. To see how this will affect you, look at what house rules Libra at 19 degrees. Also, check to see where your natal Venus is located. As it is the planetary ruler of Libra, the energy will be synergized.  

Towards the end of the month, two days post mercury direct, on the 20th of October, there will be a full moon in Aries. A full moon represents completion, heightened power, and clarity towards the realization of your desires. Celebrate your growth, you've come very far! Just like the new moon, check to see what house rules Aries at 29 degrees to see how this energy will play out. You will also have to see what house is ruled by your natal mars. The warrior planet that rules Aries will clarify the message of the ending lunar cycle. 

As I often do, I will use my own chart to illustrate how this energy manifests into tangible results. In my natal chart, Libra rules my 10th house! As someone with Libra on the 10th house cusp [career, social status, legacy] I am generally well-liked at my jobs, known for my charismatic personality, and usually continue to be friends with one or two coworkers even after I quit. With Libras ruler Venus not only in my 5th house but also ruling my natal Venus in Taurus, my career is meant to be fun, creative, expressive, and inner child related. 

The new moon is illuminating how my love of play, fun, and children is directly related to my career and legacy. Right now, I am enrolled in a pre-nursing program at a local college but I am not convinced nursing will be my actual career. What I am certain of, is my interest in child care, beauty, and living a really good life. 

When it comes to the full moon, Aries rules my 4th house of familial connection & the first five degrees of my 5th house! That makes my 5th house one of the main focal points during this lunar cycle. Although Venus rules the 5th house, it is governed by the sign Leo. The energy of children, play, creativity, and pleasure makes its self known and continues to add emphasis to the vibrations of my 5th house.

In my 8th house, I have my natal mars conjunct my Chiron [Leo & eternal wound] and my natal mercury in Cancer [my mother, familial connection, emotional understanding]. The 8th house is the house of death, transformation, regeneration, growth, and healing. What does this mean for me? It means the full moon will illuminate how much I have grown in regards to nurturing my inner child, developing a healthy relationship with my ego, and the intimate connection I have with my family, the women in particular.

When I look back at myself last year, I see that I have come very far! This time last year, I was dealing with a lot. I had just lost my job due to the pandemic and I was overwhelmed by the possibility of not being able to provide for myself. My overall disposition was one of someone who was very unsure of herself but doing everything she could to overcompensate for it. All the women in my family were  going though a turbulent period both individually and collectively. I did my best to alleviate some of that burden for them, which only added more stress to an already stressful time in my own life.

I am a proud warrior for my family. I love them passionately and I fight for them proudly. Last year I was primarily focused on taking care of them, doing my best to take charge and lead with love. As time continues I am more confident and self-assured when it comes to taking control of my own life. My self-confidence and self-love have grown leaps and bounds. The baby girl is slowly becoming a powerful woman.👩 

My growth process has been a windy road filled with hard lefts and even harder truths. I still learning how to prioritize my self-care with balancing my desire to care for those I love. My love for my family has occasionally run me straight into the ground, leaving me to feel emotionally overwhelmed and spiritually drained. I am working on developing clear boundaries so I don't burn out like that again.  

I urge you all to follow the energy of the moon. Go with the flow to see where its power takes you. You might just connect the dots that bring you closer to your destiny. 

                                                    💙💘💗TTYL 💚💓💟

Thursday, September 30, 2021

your man is my man too: a look at libras 💟

It's been a while since I've written a blog post. I suspect it's because I started this project during mercury retrograde. The general consensus  is to not begin any projects during a retrograde period because it is supposed to be a time for reflection, revision, and rest. The last mercury rx was in Gemini and compounded with Venus and Mars also in Gemini. As a double Gemini, I just had so many ideas swimming in my head that I wanted to get out and I wanted to type. I was so sick of writing about my feelings in my journal and wanted to do something fun! 

With that being said, I tend to think of this as my ongoing retrograde project. I have at least three different posts that I have not completed but since we are back in retrograde season again (the last one of the year) I thought I would give it another look. 


Right now, we are now one week deep into Libra szn. Libra is a cardinal air sign and one of two signs ruled by Venus. It initiates the autumnal season (cardinal) and is all about communication (air). During this time, we pull our best looks, try to become a bit more balanced, pay more attention to 1:1 connections, and appreciate the beauty of aesthetics. Libras also tend to make great mediators as they are represented by the scales, but are also notorious for being shallow, people-pleasers, and indecisive.   

As Libra is the opposite to Aries which rules the 1st house of ‘the self, it is the natural ruler of the 7th house of ‘partnerships’. Aries is all about the ME and Libra is all about the WE. Depending on who you ask and on what day this can be either their biggest strength or their ultimate downfall. Relationships for them, are a way of validating who they are at their core.

Focusing so much attention on another person is great for building relationships, fostering connections, and compassionate understanding of another's perspective. On the flip side, this energy can also result in codependency, avoiding confrontation for the sake of keeping the peace, allowing others to dominate you, and feeling discontent with being alone.                      


As a sign that validates themselves through relationships, Libras are known to engage in multiple relationships back to back (or all at once). I am not here to villainize, but the proof is in the pudding. Personally, I think it's best to avoid a relationship with a Libra man at all costs, particularly if know you can struggle with jealously or insecurities. While it might be a very romantic and beautiful relationship, I can promise you....they belong to the streets. My heart goes out to all those who have ever been in a romantic relationship with a libra man..... hate that for you. 


To quote a wise man:

"You can pull looks with a Libra, you can kick it with a Libra, but you can't build with a Libra...." - that man from twitter, talking about male libras

Infamous for their wandering eyes, these Venusian archetypes are attracted to anything beautiful. Unlike their fellow Venusian sign Taurus, Libra can be easily swayed due to their indecisive nature. Where a Taurus is fixed and unmovable, Libras are a bit more flexible. They form connections quite easily due to them being so 'other-oriented.  

If your lover has a moon, mercury, or venus in Libra, best believe you are one of many. I once had a crush on a boy with 2 of the 3 aforementioned placements. It was....my own personal hell. We're still friends to this day.

 Some famous cheating ass Libras include:

                                                     💔Usher - Libra sun & pluto

                                              💔Zac Effron - Libra sun & mars

  💔A$AP Rocky- Libra sun & mercury
 💔Cardi B - Libra sun & jupiter

 💔Frankie Lymons - Libra sun, mars & mercury
 💔Nick Cannon - Libra sun, moon, Lilith, & Pluto
 💔T.I. - Libra sun, mercury. saturn, pluto, & lilith
 💔Kim Kardashian - Libra sun, pluto, saturn & lilith

 💔John Mayer - Libra sun, mercury, pluto, ascendant, & north node

All of the listed are notorious cheaters and are more known for their love lives than they are for their careers. The only thing worse than a man…..is a Libra man. If I could rate all the men in the zodiac from worse to worst, I think Libra would be in the top three. I would place them somewhere between Pisces and Cancer. 

If you are lucky enough to get with a Libra that is well balanced, the beauty will be endless. They are champions for finding romance in the little things, and truly enjoying life. Not only will the connection be powerful but also one of equity and fairness.  

With the sun, mars & Mercury Rx in Libra, this is the perfect time to see where this energy fall in your chart & review where we could use a little bit more balance. Right now, the transiting sun & mars are conjunct in Libra. Mercury is retrograde in Libra and in a few days we will have a new moon also in Libra! All of this energy is happening in my 10th house conjunct my natal Jupiter [expansion, luck, morals]. As the 10th house relates to career, reputation, and status, I am re-examining my five years plan. The new moon will be expanding my mind to the possibilities of my career.

In true Libra fashion, I tend to go back and forth between career options - the beauty industry, child care, social work, marrying rich, winning the lottery, etc. I do think I am gaining some clarity on this subject, but we will see where it takes me. Whatever it is, I hope it is somewhere where I can truly thrive in a community that helps me balance work and play. 

With all that being said, I hope this current Rx treats you well. Remember not to sign any contracts, buy any new technology, make any major plans, text your ex, or stress yourself out. Things will go wrong but it's all a part of the process. Maybe treat yourself to a solo date, watch some romantic movies or do a girl's day with your Mom. It'll be beautiful! 

                                                💕💖💗 TTYL💗💖💕  

Monday, June 28, 2021

my home, my heart & my legacy: cancer + leo

Summer is finally here and we are just a few days into Cancer season. The Summer Solstice was about five days ago, indicating the start of the season and the longest day of the year. It also marks the midpoint of the year as we know it. We made it through the first six months of 2021! Pat yourself on the back because we have worked hard to make it through this year, last year, and the eclipse season that just ended. 

School is officially out, the weather is warm, and the outside is back open. For the first time in a long time, things are starting to get back to normal. I just got back from a well-deserved birthday vacation in Puerto Rico! The journey there was quite a bumpy ride, and the flight back was just as irritating but I handled it with pride. Now that I am twenty-eight, I am starting to see how much I have grown in terms of patience and learning how to engage in healthy detachment. The eclipse did what it was supposed to do! 

At the time of this post, we will be one week deep into Cancer season. I discussed Cancer energy in previous posts, detailing the various ways it expresses itself. The sun in Cancer brings a lot of those modalities into one. Combining the functions of the crab with the light of the sun produces the energy that is prominent right now. 

Sun in Cancer themes
 🦀the breasts 

Cancers is a cardinal water sign, which means they are a season initiator (cardinal) and focus a lot of their energy on their emotions and sensitivity (water). They are infamous for their tough exterior needed to protect their sensitive interior, their quite protective nature, and their constant mood swings. 

Cancer can be a difficult sign to get to know. They are not very open or welcoming of anything unfamiliar. They thrive on nostalgia and security and are deeply connected to their home. I love Cancers as I was meant to be a Cancer born in late June/early July but came out a few weeks earlier making a Gemini. My thoughts and communication style reflect my natal Mercury in Cancer - driven by complex emotions, I tend to teeter on the cusp of self-protective and defensive quite often. 

This Cancer season will be saturated with heavy Leo energy. Mars entered Leo in early June and will remain there until the end of July. Mars in Leo gives us a bit of bravado and drama in expressing our feelings. On June 27, Venus will transition out of Cancer into Leo, intensifying the fire energy already present. 

As Cancer embodies feminine energy, and Leo embodies youthful energy, this July will be equal parts feeling and expressing. The combination of femininity and emotions (Cancer) with the effervescent expression of fun, pleasure, and youthful energy (Leo) helps us balance internal needs with outward proclamations. 

Two women that I feel bring this energy into human form are the superstar sisters Solange and Beyoncé. Could there be anything more Cancerian than sisters! Solange was born on June 25, 1985, making her a Cancer sun and Mercury with a Venus in Leo. Beyoncé was born on September 4, 1981, so she is a Virgo sun with a Leo Mars and a Cancer north node. 

Solange is very comfortable in her Cancerian energy as it is where her ego resides. Her consistent attitude and declarations of unity for the Black community - Black women specifically, love for her family, her private nature, and her emotionally driven bodies of art are all clear examples of her Cancer vibrancy. 

Solange's music brings us into her inner world, with her last two albums being the most poignant. A Seat at the Table (2016) and When I Get Home (2019) are love letters to things most important to her- Black women, Black unity, Black love, Texas, and self-preservation. She infuses her watery mind with her fiery heart and flamboyant style. 

With her Venus in Leo, she loves out loud and is proud. Venus in Leo is warm like the sun, loves a party and having fun, enjoys the spotlight, and greatly appreciates drama, theater, and all forms of creative expression! She is no stranger to big hair, eye-catching headdress tied, and individualistic trendsetting fashion.  She is a prime example of a carefree Black girl. 

Solange embodying her Cancer sun + Leo Venus energy
Beyoncé, on the other side, has a Cancer north node. The lunar nodal placements are the most important placements of the natal birth chart. The south node is the energy in our lives that is over-developed. They are skills and activities that have been present in previous lifetimes and tend to be our default mode. The north node is our current lifetimes 'soul purpose', a karmic destination point. 

The signs that reside on the nodes are complementary to one another. For example, if your NN is in Scorpio then your SN is in Taurus, or if your NN is in Leo then your SN is in Aquarius. We tend to reside more in our south node energy when we are younger but as we get older this can become problematic. As we age and mature we are meant to grow into our north node energy. We learn to balance the old with the new. 

Beyoncé has a Cancer north node and a Capricorn south node. Where Solange naturally resides in Cancerian energy, Beyoncé has had to grow into it. Stepping into your north node takes years and happens gradually over time. As it is a karmic destination and your soul's purpose, it is no easy feat. 

Beyoncé started to fully embrace her north node publicly with her visual album Lemonade. Like her sister, it is very on par with Cancer's themes of family,  emotions, forgiveness, ancestry, race, and Black womanhood. She again taps into this energy when she publicly embraced her pregnancy with her twins, Sir and Rumi Carter.

At the 2017 Grammys, she capitalized on this energy with her performance of Love Drought. She wore a gold outfit and gold halo headdress (gold represents Leo), with her belly as the star of her performance. She incorporated her pregnant belly into her performance, showing herself in a new light. She is not only Beyoncé the performer but also Beyoncé the mother when she embraces her divine feminine. 

Though her Virgo and Scorpio energy makes her very private and always in control, the Cancer NN amplifies it. She allows small glimpses into her personal life with documentaries, pictures, and the occasional IG video. Always in control of her narrative, and everything must be screened and approved by her first. 

     Beyoncé embodying her Cancer NN + Leo Mars

We are given the opportunity to tap into some of these energies all July! On July 10th there will be a new moon in Cancer. A new moon represents a new lunar cycle and symbolizes new energetic beginnings. We can utilize this energy by reflecting on old goals to help set new ones. With the moon in Cancer, this energy could be utilized by reflecting some of the emotions we have been experiencing over the past six months and trying to gain clarity to gain on those feelings. 

The following day on July 11th Mercury enters Cancer! As stated before my natal Mercury is in Cancer, so this is a modality that I am not only comfortable with but excited to experience with the collective. With the Sun and Mercury in Cancer the likelihood of feeling drowned sea of emotions will be present. Some might find this energy to be alleviated by the expressive energy of Venus and Mars in Leo.  Others might feel a bit of emotional heaviness of the crab combined with the dramatic Leonean ego.  

No matter how you experience this transit it is important to just ride the wave. Sun in Cancer + Mercury in Cancer + Venus in Leo + Mars in Leo = comfort, fun, intensity, expressions & emotional release. I am currently in the process of creating a quick playlist that captures the high-spirited energy of the transit. It is still a work in progress but until then enjoy the spirit of crying and yelling! 

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

divine timing: solar eclipse in gemini + mars in leo

We are officially in the last few days of Gemini season. In less than two weeks the Sun will transition into the sensitive sign of Cancer. These last few weeks have been jam-packed with tons of mentally stimulating and emotionally charged energy. Some of us might have been left feeling exhausted with all the air and water influence. Right now the moon is in Taurus for a few more hours, giving us a well-needed break to slow down and relax. We all deserve a moment to breathe and do a bit of grounding. Spend some time in nature, unwind with some sensual music, and then have a nice warm shower to wash some of the stress away.    

Later today, the moon will be back Gemini sending shockwaves through our system. This will not be your typical slightly chaotic Gemini moon, it will be a New Moon/ Solar Eclipse. A solar eclipse brings new beginnings, new adventures, and new challenges into our lives. This comes just a few weeks after the lunar eclipse in Sagittarius. The lunar eclipse is known for bringing abrupt and sudden changes into our lives. A lunar eclipse takes something out of our lives and makes space as the following solar eclipse will bring us something new. 

This eclipse season focused on the Gemini-Sagittarius axis. Gemini is all about the logical mind and tangible knowledge while Sagittarius focuses on higher knowledge and moral truths. The Sagittarius eclipse closed the door on outdated beliefs we might have once held as true. With age and lived experience we now know better and continue to move forward in better alignment with our higher self. The Gemini solar eclipse will open the door to new ideas, new people, and new ways of thinking. We will be reworking our personal ethos, discovering new forms of support, and see a redistribution of energy. 

Depending on where Gemini is in your chart, that will determine what part of your life will be affected. Using myself as an example: I am a Gemini sun and moon with both planets in my 7th house. With the 7th house being the house of partnerships, marriage, 1:1 relationships, legal matters, and open enemies I will be experiencing a shift when it comes to my identity and my connection to others. Some of these could include: ❤meeting someone new ❤breakthroughs in relationships & ❤new insights on who I am from the perspective of another. 

As the sun rules the ego, I will also be viewing this solar eclipse from the perspective of Gemini in the 1st house. The 1st house rules your appearance, first impressions, identity, self-awareness, personality, and overall outer expression. With these ideas in mind, I will have new perspectives on ❤who I am ❤my sense of self ❤my appearance  ❤better controlling my life  &  ❤where am I going in my life. 

This new mental clarity will be compounded with Mars entering Leo. Mars has been in Cancer since May 11th and has had some of us feeling like we were underwater. I explained a few weeks ago that Mars does not like being in Cancer as it is sensitive and has a hard time expressing itself in Cancer. This will be a more comfortable placement because Mars functions best in the fire signs -Aries, Leo & Sagittarius.

I have a natal Mars in Leo in the 8th house of transformation, so this would mean I am going to have a very intense Mars return. I can speak for myself when I say we are all in desperate need of some enthusiasm, drama, and ferocity! This will help a lot of us come out of our shells and help us move like we are the main character. Those of us with a natal Mars in Leo move with confidence in our natural abilities and are strong-willed when it comes to our convictions. The Mars transit will give a boost of bravery and passion igniting the fire that the solar eclipse will impose upon us. We will be marching towards dreams and desires in confidence. 

Some themes of Mars in Leo include 🦁 drama  🦁action  🦁passion  🦁children  🦁creation 🦁egocentrism 🦁creative flair 🦁mellow drama & 🦁a fiery temperament. 

As with any placement, these themes could be manifested in both positive and negative ways. On the positive end, we could see an increase in drive and a need for creative expression, taking some of our passion projects to new heights. There is will be a much bigger emphasis on play and letting the inner child take control.  On the negative end, we could become more self-centered and overtly egocentric, becoming fixed on our wants without any regard for others. 

The key is to find balance and stay grounded in all this supercharged energy. We should be mindful of our tendency to overestimate our abilities and over-romanticizing our wants. Mercury is still Rx in Gemini, Venus is in the easily triggered Cancer, Jupiter is feeling euphoric but slightly delusional in Pisces, and now Mars is in the highly confident and bold Leo. We can be convinced of our projections instead of facing reality. 

If there is one this the universe wants from us, it is to get back on our bullshit. We should let our minds and hearts be open to receiving the divine gifts that will soon be bestowed upon us! We have released was no longer working, and worked through accepting our losses. Now it's time to allow beautiful & bountiful blessings to come in. The effects of the eclipse can be felt up to six months after the event, so surrender to the divine and let God do the rest. Be patient with yourself because every seed you planted in the first half of the year will steadily begin to blossom as the year progresses.