Thursday, September 30, 2021

your man is my man too: a look at libras πŸ’Ÿ

It's been a while since I've written a blog post. I suspect it's because I started this project during mercury retrograde. The general consensus  is to not begin any projects during a retrograde period because it is supposed to be a time for reflection, revision, and rest. The last mercury rx was in Gemini and compounded with Venus and Mars also in Gemini. As a double Gemini, I just had so many ideas swimming in my head that I wanted to get out and I wanted to type. I was so sick of writing about my feelings in my journal and wanted to do something fun! 

With that being said, I tend to think of this as my ongoing retrograde project. I have at least three different posts that I have not completed but since we are back in retrograde season again (the last one of the year) I thought I would give it another look. 


Right now, we are now one week deep into Libra szn. Libra is a cardinal air sign and one of two signs ruled by Venus. It initiates the autumnal season (cardinal) and is all about communication (air). During this time, we pull our best looks, try to become a bit more balanced, pay more attention to 1:1 connections, and appreciate the beauty of aesthetics. Libras also tend to make great mediators as they are represented by the scales, but are also notorious for being shallow, people-pleasers, and indecisive.   

As Libra is the opposite to Aries which rules the 1st house of ‘the self, it is the natural ruler of the 7th house of ‘partnerships’. Aries is all about the ME and Libra is all about the WE. Depending on who you ask and on what day this can be either their biggest strength or their ultimate downfall. Relationships for them, are a way of validating who they are at their core.

Focusing so much attention on another person is great for building relationships, fostering connections, and compassionate understanding of another's perspective. On the flip side, this energy can also result in codependency, avoiding confrontation for the sake of keeping the peace, allowing others to dominate you, and feeling discontent with being alone.                      


As a sign that validates themselves through relationships, Libras are known to engage in multiple relationships back to back (or all at once). I am not here to villainize, but the proof is in the pudding. Personally, I think it's best to avoid a relationship with a Libra man at all costs, particularly if know you can struggle with jealously or insecurities. While it might be a very romantic and beautiful relationship, I can promise you....they belong to the streets. My heart goes out to all those who have ever been in a romantic relationship with a libra man..... hate that for you. 


To quote a wise man:

"You can pull looks with a Libra, you can kick it with a Libra, but you can't build with a Libra...." - that man from twitter, talking about male libras

Infamous for their wandering eyes, these Venusian archetypes are attracted to anything beautiful. Unlike their fellow Venusian sign Taurus, Libra can be easily swayed due to their indecisive nature. Where a Taurus is fixed and unmovable, Libras are a bit more flexible. They form connections quite easily due to them being so 'other-oriented.  

If your lover has a moon, mercury, or venus in Libra, best believe you are one of many. I once had a crush on a boy with 2 of the 3 aforementioned placements. It own personal hell. We're still friends to this day.

 Some famous cheating ass Libras include:

                                                     πŸ’”Usher - Libra sun & pluto

                                              πŸ’”Zac Effron - Libra sun & mars

  πŸ’”A$AP Rocky- Libra sun & mercury
 πŸ’”Cardi B - Libra sun & jupiter

 πŸ’”Frankie Lymons - Libra sun, mars & mercury
 πŸ’”Nick Cannon - Libra sun, moon, Lilith, & Pluto
 πŸ’”T.I. - Libra sun, mercury. saturn, pluto, & lilith
 πŸ’”Kim Kardashian - Libra sun, pluto, saturn & lilith

 πŸ’”John Mayer - Libra sun, mercury, pluto, ascendant, & north node

All of the listed are notorious cheaters and are more known for their love lives than they are for their careers. The only thing worse than a man… a Libra man. If I could rate all the men in the zodiac from worse to worst, I think Libra would be in the top three. I would place them somewhere between Pisces and Cancer. 

If you are lucky enough to get with a Libra that is well balanced, the beauty will be endless. They are champions for finding romance in the little things, and truly enjoying life. Not only will the connection be powerful but also one of equity and fairness.  

With the sun, mars & Mercury Rx in Libra, this is the perfect time to see where this energy fall in your chart & review where we could use a little bit more balance. Right now, the transiting sun & mars are conjunct in Libra. Mercury is retrograde in Libra and in a few days we will have a new moon also in Libra! All of this energy is happening in my 10th house conjunct my natal Jupiter [expansion, luck, morals]. As the 10th house relates to career, reputation, and status, I am re-examining my five years plan. The new moon will be expanding my mind to the possibilities of my career.

In true Libra fashion, I tend to go back and forth between career options - the beauty industry, child care, social work, marrying rich, winning the lottery, etc. I do think I am gaining some clarity on this subject, but we will see where it takes me. Whatever it is, I hope it is somewhere where I can truly thrive in a community that helps me balance work and play. 

With all that being said, I hope this current Rx treats you well. Remember not to sign any contracts, buy any new technology, make any major plans, text your ex, or stress yourself out. Things will go wrong but it's all a part of the process. Maybe treat yourself to a solo date, watch some romantic movies or do a girl's day with your Mom. It'll be beautiful! 

                                                πŸ’•πŸ’–πŸ’— TTYLπŸ’—πŸ’–πŸ’•  

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